Party PFA rejects charges of vandalism

Saatli branch of the PFA condemns destruction of tombstones in the village of Musaly and requires the immediate punishment of those responsible for this vandalism, Turan was told by the chairman of the Mejlis of the above structure, Ziyafat Huseynli.

According to him, arrested as suspects in the crime Nasimi Aliyev and Adalat Mammadov had never been members of the Popular Front, or sympathizers of the party.

"Absolutely slanderous is the information that they were put up by the PFPA."

Ziyafat Huseynli himself is from the village of Musaly, and among the destroyed tombstones is a monument to his cousin.

Huseynli notes that both the detainees are drinkers, but two of them would not able to destroy it and 90 tombstones. Huseynli said that it was a pre-planned action involving a group of individuals.

The incident happened on the night of February 24 in Saatli region. Police detained villagers Nasimi Aliyev (born in 1987) and Adalat Mammadov (born in 1989). Both are unemployed and have confirmed that they committed the crime in a drunken state. An investigation is ongoing.

Law enforcement agencies claimed that the detainees were put up to it by the leadership of PPFA to destabilize the situation in the region, and to sow discontent among the population. -03B04-  


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