Рамиз Рзаев

Рамиз Рзаев

Baku / 16.02.18 / Turan: Ramiz Rzayev has been again appointed Chairman of the Supreme Court by the order of the Azerbaijani President on February 15.

On February 13, the Milli Majlis appointed him a judge of the Supreme Court.

Rzayev has been holding this position since 2005, and before that he was the First Deputy Prosecutor General of Azerbaijan.

The current reassignment is due to the fact that the age limit for judges is 65 years. The law allows, in exceptional cases, the reassignment of a judge upon reaching this age. On February 25, Rzayev turns 65, so for this reason he was appointed first as a judge, and later as Chairman of the Supreme Court. -06D-

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