The meeting devoted to the 25th anniversary of the People"s Front

A solemn meeting devoted to the 25th anniversary of the People's Front of Azerbaijan took  place  in the office of  “Musavat”  party  on July 15.  The meeting was attended by the veterans of the Movement, members of initiative groups and public figures who laid the foundation for the creation of this national movement. At the ceremony were: Arif Hajili, Hikmet Hajizadeh, Panah Huseyn, Isa Gambar, etc.

Speakers touched on the history of the  creation of the Popular Front, the  greatest  role that the Movement played in the awakening and liberation of Azerbaijani society from the communist legacy and the struggle for the country's integrity, against Armenian separatists in Karabakh.

Over 25 years  the Movement has a complex and ambiguous way, but the main ideas of the Movement, the conquest and defense of national independence, remained unchanged.

Despite all attempts of the authorities  to deny the role of the Popular Front,  today they still use the conquests of the Popular Front, the speakers noted.

Among these achievements is the introduction of the national currency, the withdrawal of Russian troops from Azerbaijan, inviting Western oil companies,  establishing  a national army,  etc.02В-

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