Yagublu: Arrests of Political Prisoners Personally Approved by Ilham Aliyev

The issue of political prisoners in Azerbaijan is personally controlled by President Ilham Aliyev. Such an opinion at a press conference at the headquarters of the party Musavat was expressed by the deputy chairman of the party, the former prisoner of conscience Tofig Yagublu.

According to him, Ilham Aliyev personally authorizes political arrests and decides on the release of political prisoners.

Yagublu said that in June 2014 at the PACE session, responding to a question about the Ilgar Mamedov case, Aliyev said that Azerbaijan is a member of the legal system of the European Court, and if the decision to release Mamedov is taken, it will be done.

Since then, the Grand Chamber of the Strasbourg Court upheld the decision of the European Court for the release of Mamedov and the Committee of Ministers repeatedly called for the execution of this verdict. However, Mamedov is still in prison, Yagublu said.

The press conference was organized by the public alliance Azerbaijan without Political Prisoners. However, the former political prisoners were only represented by Yagublu. -06D--

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