Akram Aylisli Released after Several Hours of Interrogation (UPDATED)

After 11 hours of detention at the police department of the Baku airport the writer Akram Aylisli was released. Turan was told by his youngest son Najaf Naibov. According to him, Aylisli was released around 20.00, warned that he would be called later in connection with the investigation.

Naibov said he did not know the details of what was being investigated.

"I do not know all the details. Father, probably will report it all later," Naibov said. At the same time, he noted there was no conflict between the writer and the border guards.

Since the publication of the Stone Dreams novel Aylisli had not been called to the law enforcement agencies.   -06--

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2016 March 30 (Wednesday) 18:42:41

A  famous writer Akram Aylisli  who was arrested early in the morning at the Baku airport  has not been released by  to 18:30.  The investigation is ongoing in the  police department.

The writer was  not released abroad, saying that his exit is banned.

Later, the Interior Ministry accused the 78 year-old writer  of conflict with the police and border guards.

From early morning the writer and his son  are held at the airport, the relationship with him is interrupted, the phone is turned off.-03В-

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2016 March 30 (Wednesday) 13:14:42

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan commented on the detention of the writer Akram Aylisli in the Baku airport. According to the representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs press service, Aylisli was detained in connection with the conflict he had stirred with the staff of the border service.

The case is under investigation.  -16d-

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2016 March 30 (Wednesday) 11:49:52

Писатель Акрам Айлисли задержан в Бакинском Международном аэропорту имени Гейдара Алиева и доставлен в Управление полиции на транспорте в аэропорту.

Алисли в сопровождении старшего сына Ильяса должен вылететь  в Венецию на международный литературный фестиваль Incroci Di Civilta (30 марта-2 апреля)   в 5.11 утра рейсом 613  Люфтганза, но пограничники не пропустили его, заявив, что на его выезд  введен «стоп», сообщила супруга писателя Галина Айлисли.

Известный в Азербайджане и за рубежом 78-летний прозаик Акрам Айлисли подвергся  нападкам и обструкции власти в 2013 году после того, как издал трилогию  «Грандиозная пробка», в которой изобличал советские и нынешние политические нравы   в Азербайджане.-0—

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