Appeals Court Upheld Intigam Aliyev Custody

Today the Baku Court of Appeal considered the appeal from the head of the Legal Education Society Intigam Aliyev on the extension of his detention, and the refusal to replace the measure of restraint by home arrest or release on bail.

As the lawyer Javad Javadov wrote on his Facebook page, the court rejected the complaint, leaving Aliyev in custody.

Aliyev himself was not delivered to the court for reasons of health. Recall that on 24 October, during the consideration of the matter in the Nasimi Court to extend the period of arrest, Aliyev became ill, and he became paralyzed on the right leg. In this connection, the human rights activist was hastily taken to the detention center.

The lawyer Elton Guliyev that visited Aliyev in jail the day before confirmed the presence of health problems at the human rights activist in the talk with Turan.

* Intigam Aliyev was arrested Aug. 8 on charges of tax evasion, abuse of office and illegal business.

Aliyev denied the charges and said they are politically motivated. He is recognized “prisoner of conscience” by Amnesty International.  -16D06-

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