Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

The Yenisabah.az website again discusses the likelihood of devaluation with MP Vahid Əhmədov. In his opinion, sooner or later the manat should switch to a floating rate. If not for the pandemic, the Central Bank and the Cabinet of Ministers would have already taken this step.

The deputy believes that if you immediately switch to a floating exchange rate, the population and entrepreneurs will face problems. In the meantime, it has been decided to keep the rate at the current level.

The website Redaktor.az writes about the unsanitary state of the Masazır village, the streets of which are full of rubbish and stench.

The author writes that the employees of the municipality collect 4 manats from each house every month to collect garbage, which must be removed three times a week. However, he has been on the streets for two weeks and observed they are a source of illness. Appeals to the municipality do not give any results.

The website Mətbuat.az writes about the state of drug addiction and drug trafficking in the country. The number of registered drug addicts in Azerbaijan is 32,921. Of these, 27,574 are registered with dispensaries, and 5347 with preventive care. 641 are women. For 6 months of 2020, on 2,893 facts, 2 tons 309 kg of various drugs and psychotropic substances were seized and 1,933 people were brought to justice.  –0----


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