Media Review - November 9, 2019

Export of non-oil products over 9 months, the deputy’s proposal to increase the construction of student dormitories, and discussing business loans are topics of today's media.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes that over the 9 months of this year, exports of non-oil products grew by 17%, amounting to $ 1 billion 413 million. Among the export products of the non-oil sector, tomatoes are the first, gold is the second, and peeled hazelnuts are the third. Tomatoes were exported in the amount of 142.3 million dollars, gold - 120.8 million dollars, and hazelnuts - 87.9 million dollars. For 9 months of this year, satellite services worth $ 30.2 million were provided to 24 countries.

The website discusses the proposal of the deputy Ganira Pashayeva on the immediate construction of student dormitories. Such a proposal was put forward by her during the discussion of the state budget for 2020. Children from low-income families cannot study in Baku due to housing problems. It is for this category of persons that universities urgently need to build dormitories. She also noted the need to increase benefits for children with disabilities. The available benefits are not enough to get the help of specialists. The deputy also noted the need to create an Aliment Foundation, for this serious steps must be taken.

The website discusses with an expert Rashad Hasanov the issue of banks' disinterest in providing business loans. The fact that entrepreneurs cannot get business loans from banks is one of the main problems of the real sector. However, Faaig Huseynov, Chairman of the Board of Unibank, does not think so. According to him, today banks are fighting for every normal customer. He noted that at present credit interest is related to deposit loans. They are not so high - you can take manat business loans at a rate of 13-14% per annum. However, expert Rashad Hasanov claims that problems with issuing business loans still exist, since Azerbaijan does not have reports in the business sector, and a significant part of the business is a participant in the shadow economy. In this case, banks do not want to take increased risks. Given these conditions, banks are not interested in issuing business loans. -0-


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