Press Review 17.12.2016

In the center of media attention  is the development of the defense industry, not fulfillment the state budget, the reasons for misappropriation of public funds, the possibility of bringing to the taxation of companies in offshore zones.

The official newspaper "Azerbaijan" published an article that the defense industry of Azerbaijan is  on the most modern, the perfect level of development. This is confirmed and the use of locally produced arms during the successful military operations in Karabakh  on April 2-5.

Azerbaijan exports armored vehicles already in 10 countries. In the near future it is provided to launch serial production of shock drones "Zarb". Personnel is being trained  for the defense industry. So, at the Azerbaijan Technical University has been created a Faculty "Special equipment and technology", where 370 students are enrolled.

"Azadlıqinfo" in the article "The government is not able to implement the budget  approved by it" publishes  the commentary of the  expert Nemat Aliyev that in November receipts to the budget   decreased by 57% . In October the state budget revenues amounted to AZN 2 billion,  and in  November just 862 million manats.

During the first 11 months of the projected targets for budget revenues narrowly missed by 16 per cent. Government could not fund spending  by 3 billion manats. Such a relation to the execution of budget assignments, not financing  investment spending will deepen the economic decline of the border. To avoid this, it is necessary to start with the reform of the government.

The newspaper "New Times" writes about the embezzlement of budget funds, systemic corruption, which have reached alarming proportions. The topic of tenders was again in the spotlight at a loud trial of ex-officials of Ministry of Communications. Witnesses testified that tenders were formal and the winners were known in advance.

Bidding for the construction of housing, bridges and other facilities, asphalting of roads  is all manna from heaven for corruption and shadow businesses. After all,  the talk is about  dozens or even hundreds of millions of dollars.

"Yeni Musavat" published an article on the upcoming attracting  offshore companies to taxation.

The expert Natig Jafarli believes it is impossible, because  even the United States cannot levy taxes on offshore companies. The very essence of the offshore business  is to  pay as less tax as possible. Great Twenty countries were also  for  attracting  offshore companies in tax, but there is not such a  concept  yet.

It is very difficult to such a small country as Azerbaijan to get access to the  operations of companies  abroad and getting  information about it.-0-

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