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Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku/02.09.22/Turan: In addition to global warming, the human factor remains the cause of natural fires, the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Azerbaijan, Kamaleddin Heydarov, said at a meeting on Friday.

"Careless and irresponsible behavior of some people to elementary fire safety rules  causes fires in forests, damages the forest fund, flora and fauna, which have been formed for decades," Heydarov said.

Therefore, for the timely prevention of forest fires, well-coordinated and coordinated activities of the relevant authorities are important. The Minister instructed to prepare proposals for amending the regulatory legal acts relating to fire safety in forests.

It should be noted that since August, forest fires have been occurring in the northern, northeastern and western regions of Azerbaijan, which have destroyed large areas. In the Shabran region, a forest fire also damaged houses and farms. Currently, fires are reported in the Zagatala region.

Some Azerbaijani environmentalists believe that in some cases the fires were set by poachers to hide deforestation.--16D--

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