Trial of Website�s Editor Starts

Baku / 05.02.19 / Turan: The preliminary investigation of the case of the chief editor of the website Nureddin Ismayilov (Nureddin Khoja) has been completed.

The case was transferred to the Baku Court of Grave Crimes.

The preparatory meeting chaired by Judge Zeynal Agayev is scheduled for February 11.

The chief editor is charged under Articles 281.2 (open appeals against the state), 309 (abuse of power) and 313 (official forgery) of the Criminal Code.

Turan was told by Khoja himself.

"I still cannot understand the essence of the charges. This accusation is written to make the whole world laugh at the country's legal system," Khoja said.

The criminal case against him was started on July 13, 2018 in the Baku city prosecutor's office.

The reason for this was the reprint of Etibar Pirverdiyev"s Crypto Currency Business from and Azerenergy Checked, Pirverdiyev Interrogated for "Electric Terror" - Finnish Corruption from

"In these publications there are no anti-state appeals. On the contrary, it"s about the official"s fault for leaving the country without electricity. It is about the long cessation of electricity supply in the country as a result of the accident at the Mingachevir TPP on July 3, 2018

A state commission was set up to investigate the causes of the accident," Khoja said.

At the same time, he drew attention to the fact that, according to the law "On Mass Media," a media body is not responsible for reprinting.

Khoja said the website was blocked on July 13 without a court decision.

Recall that on July 3, 2018, the country experienced an energy blackout as a result of the accident at the Mingachevir TPP.

Based on the conclusion of the state commission to investigate the causes of the accident, President of Azerenergy OJSC Etibar Pirverdiyev was relieved of his post. -03B06--

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