Windy Weather to Remain on Friday

Baku / 10.08.17 / Turan: Windy weather will continue in Baku and Absheron on August 11 - a gusty north-west wind will be replaced by the north-east wind by day.

The air temperature will be + 22 + 25 degrees at night and + 32 + 34 by day, weather forecasters said.

The temperature of sea water on the beaches of the northern coast of Absheron will be + 26 + 28 °, and on the southern beaches it will be + 28 + 29 °.

Until the end of the week, no significant changes in the temperature regime are expected.

Weather without precipitation is also expected in the regions of the country. However, in several mountainous areas rains are expected, heavy ones in several places. -03D06-

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