EaP Cultural Policy: lessons from Azerbaijan
How is digitalisation changing the approach to museum audiences? What is the ideal curriculum for real art education? These were among the questions addressed by around 70 participants attending the second Culture Policy Exchange Workshop, organised in Baku, Azerbaijan in the framework of the Eastern Partnership Culture Programme. 
Beside the general goal of strengthening the professionalization of the cultural sector, the workshop paid special attention to specific cultural practices in Azerbaijan and explored priority topics of the country’s cultural policy. The participants discussed concrete cultural projects and activities, and analysed the economic and social impact of cultural industries, art education, cultural tourism and museums’ digital approaches to audience development.
The Baku workshop was part of the 2014 cycle of Cultural Policy Exchange Workshops, dedicated to Implementation Tools & Approaches to Policy Reforms”, as a follow-up to workshops held in 2013, with the aim of promoting policy reforms and modernization at government level. The 2014 cycle includes three workshops held in Armenia (April 2014), Azerbaijan (July 2014) and Belarus (September 2014). Workshop participants work on their culture policy or strategy concepts with the purpose of initiating or supporting cultural policy reforms in their countries. As a result, up to 20 culture policy or strategy documents and/or implementation plans are expected to be developed through the trainings.
The €12 million Eastern Partnership Culture Programme aims at assisting the partner countries in their cultural policy reform at government level, as well as capacity building and improving professionalism of cultural operators in the region. It seeks to strengthen regional cultural links and dialogue within the Eastern Partnership region, and between the EU and ENP Eastern countries' cultural networks and actors. (EU Neighbourhood Info Centre)

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