Magomayev conundrum

Spring once again! It’s heart-warming tradition to recollect world famous musician, composer, singer extraordinaire, great son of Azerbaijan – Muslim Magomayev!

Scores of TV-channels televise various broadcastings, publish article devoted to His life and creation, in particular, serial «Magomayev» we are watching with great interest in an effort not to miss a new serial. Once again an impression is that Muslim Magomayev is alive! He has just stepped out for smoke and he’ll be back shortly…!

It must be acknowledged that the life and destiny of Magomayev has always aroused genuine, endless interest. Interest in His personality, character and talent. New dimensions of his talent are revealed every time!

As musician I caught myself thinking that I was unaware of a singer like Muslim Magomayev worldwide. Also, by reason of my professional activity I consider myself knowledgeable about the matter. I’m up to His uniqueness!

An expression is widely accepted among vocalists (singers) – vocal apparatus. This refers to instruments they operate with, specifically voice, vocal cords, diction, articulation, sound extraction, etc.

Here it is worth citing that every vocal apparatus is polished after long training to set on a genre of music of a singer. If a classical voice placement, this refers to opera or operetta. If a vocalist sets to perform in variety show, jazz and folklore, he is sure to perform it as opera or operetta. That’s about the voice, and it’s irreversible! And vice versa.

One might assume that pop, jazz and folk singer is incapable of performing classical singing. Folk vocalist cannot sing jazz in professional manner, etc. Each genre is typified by its own traditions, nuances, voice presentation, etc. It’s impossible to recompose vocal apparatus as circumstances require! There are lots of talented performing singers! But all of them concentrate on a single genre with knowledge that he risks looking as amateur in another genre, not professional! An exception to the rules is Magomayev! In a truly stunning way he contrived to change his voice and performed in all genres mentioned above at the highest professional level, together with all traditions and nuances.

There is no telling that Muslim is wrongly placed. Suffice it to recall his work in animated cartoon «The Bremen Town Musicians» where he soloed all main characters, even performed in drag – Woman gang leader. It rings true, convincing acting and convincing heroes! It’s nothing more than one of his guises as musician, as Human …

I’m honest to myself – in my young days I was not a fan of his creation. I was enamored of jazz, rock, alternative … With years Magomayev persuaded me that he was the greatest singer of the 20 century.

In the meanwhile, the life is disposed to go on! Spring once again, and musical instruments are unpacked to join the Universe: Muslim Magomayev is alive! He has just stepped out for smoke and he’ll be back shortly …

Toff  Maris


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