Arif Hajili: Power is not as monolithic as three years ago

“Musavat" party, even under the existing limited opportunities  of political activity will continue to fight under the law against the increasing authoritarianism, said in an interview with  Cətin Sual program (Difficult question) of  Turan agency ,  the leader of the party "Musavat" Arif Hajili.

"Musavat" will continue to strengthen its structure, work with the media and the public, discussing the current problems of the country, and of course to carry out mass actions to intensify the protest electorate, he said.

According to Hajili, the intensification of the protest electorate is inevitable, because the effects of   a deep economic crisis intensify in the near future. In addition, after the referendum, Azerbaijan expects  political crisis, as government policies increases the tension in the upper echelons of the country.

"The government is not as monolithic as three years ago. Intensified centrifugal tendencies and their manifestations in the near future will be even brighter," said Hajili.

He did not agree with the statements of the authorities, that the referendum has created a legal basis for the deepening of reforms.

"Political, legal reform must begin with the separation of powers.  The legislature had  little authority,  and now they have been more narrowed, and the president can dissolve parliament. All  executive power  belongs to the president, but now  his power has increased.

The judiciary is also dependent on the executive. Therefore, the statement that the referendum has expanded the legal framework of reforms  is a lie. The true intentions of the authorities  is to strengthen the regime," said Hajili.

"Musavat" is ready to cooperate with other forces to oppose authoritarianism, ruining republican values. On the basis of a common  objectives "Musavat" proposes to create a Center of Cooperation of Opposition, he said.

What will be the position of the "Musavat" if will be announced early presidential election? Answering this question, Hajili said that the party  supports participation in the elections, because there are no resources for effective boycott in the current realities of the opposition. However, all will depend on the behavior of the authorities.

"We participated in the parliamentary elections, but the government canceled even a 4-minute airtime for opposition candidates. In this referendum they did not register the agitation group  of  "Musavat", although in the referendum of 2009 were two agitation  groups from the opposition, and they had the opportunity to appear on television," said Hajili.

As for the candidate of the "Musavat" for President, two years ago, on the 8th Party Congress, it was decided to nominate the former head of the organization Isa Gambar.-06D-

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