"Death for the Tsar"

Baku/30.11.21/Turan:  President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree  on the release  of  Intigam Babayev and Ismail Ismailov from their posts as deputy ministers for youth and sports. Ismail Ismailov told local media that the resignation was a complete surprise for him, but nevertheless  he is loyal to the president:

“Nevertheless, I am the servant of our president for the rest of my life. I am ready to do anything for the president." These words of the ex-deputy minister became the subject of heated discussions on social networks.

By other presidential orders, Indira Hajiyeva and Maryana Vasilyeva have been appointed deputy ministers for youth and sports. The appointment of Marina Vasilyeva to the post of Deputy Minister, who was born in Bulgaria and has lived in Azerbaijan since 2009, was perceived ambiguously by the public.

Social and political activist Zaur Akbar commented on the subservience of Azerbaijani officials, who turned groveling in front of the authorities into a tradition and even into a kind of ritual.

According to him, in authoritarian countries, officials always regularly declare their loyalty to the political elite, the first person in the state. This is a common occurrence. In democratic countries, the recognition by an official that he is a "servant of the president" is perceived as self-deprecation and lack of self-esteem.

“The question arises - who is the president in this case? In normal countries, the president is a servant himself - a servant of the people. And the fact that officials grovel in front of the political elite, the first person, because their well-being, their career, the future of his children and relatives depend on them. They thank the head of state because he provided preferences for them, the opportunity for a comfortable life. And the fact that they are not grateful to the people only confirms these words,” Akbar said, adding that “This unusual and even mean statement is a manifestation of disrespect for the people. But, at the same time, is this statement sincere?”

According to the activist, when there is no rule of law, there is no independent court, a free and fair electoral system, free media, the activity of civil society is limited, then such phenomena occur and multiply.

“Officials do not feel responsibility  to the people, to those who appointed them to the post, to those to whom they owe their well-being. This is one of the rituals of the authoritarian system of government and there is nothing surprising here,” Akbar said.  --0--


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