The investment environment is ruined by the absence of a fair trial - a lawyer

The absence of fair justice destroys the investment environment in Azerbaijan, said in the interview with the program Cətin sual (Difficult Question) of the Turan agency the well-known lawyer, the head of the "Visa" firm Aslan Ismayilov. As a lawyer, Ismayilov advocated the rights of entrepreneurs in dozens of court cases, which could not be won because of the failure to enforce the law. A recent example of this Ismayilov was the case of the Turkish company Emre Piliç, which failed to get the money from one of the poultry companies. Anticorruption management at the Prosecutor General at the beginning took an active part in the investigation. However, later the case was stalled, and the criminal case did not started. According to Ismayilov, the first wave of entrepreneurs began in 2005, which affected the state of the Azerbaijani economy.

Despite all the efforts of the government, it will not be possible to attract foreign investors, since there is a practice of raider seizures, unfair competition, unfair trials. Therefore, serious capital investments should not be expected, believes Ismailov.

A bad precedent for investors was the story with Barmek and its head Huseyn Arabul. This company brought order to the energy distribution network of the country, but in the end was forced to turn down the work, and Arabul even was convicted.

Because of the absence of fair competition, only fraudulent businessmen are ready to make money in Azerbaijan, going to the dark deals with state officials. Ismayilov is convinced that Azerbaijan does not have a fair and independent system of justice. "In cases where I defended the rights of entrepreneurs, the judges themselves admitted that they made unjust decisions because of instructions from above," Ismayilov said.

In international practice it is accepted that investors, before going to any country, try to learn their judicial system. If there is no independent system of fair justice, serious business does not go to these countries, summed up Ismailov. -03D06--

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