CBA called banks leading in non-cash transactions

Baku/14.02.14/Turan : Central Bank (CBA ) has completed the challenging campaign to develop the country's cashless payment and today announced its winners.

On the nomination "Bank- leading cashless payments " 1-3 places were shared by Bank Of Baku, Azerbaycan Senaye Banki and Demirbank, and in the nomination "Bank - leader in electronic banking services" - International Bank of Azerbaijan, Bank Respublika and Bank Of Baku.

 " In modern society, cashless payments taken as an indicator of high culture , but also an element of transparency and economic activity ," said at today's presentation on the announcement of nominees campaign , first deputy chairman of the CBA Alim Guliyev .

This year, the CBA plans to campaign for identifying leading banks in the development of electronic trading and clearing settlements with businesses .

According to the CBA , during 2013 the volume of payments are made through national infrastructure systems electronic payments amounted to AZN 128 bn. The creation of this system will reduce the proportion of cash in broad money supply by 20 %.

CBA set up the portal of government payments (PGP) , which is integrated in the national system of payments. PGP is connected with 5 communal service organizations and 7 government agencies. Turnover by PGP in 2013 grew by 48.2% and amounted to 713 million manat. - 08D -


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