Gas transportation via south Caucasian gas pipeline reached 20.8 million cub.m. a day

Yesterday gas export via the South Caucasian gas pipeline, which was reduced because of the problems on the Sangachal terminal at the end of last week, normalized.

BP, technical operator of the gas pipeline, said that 26.2 million cub.m. of gas a day was extracted on the Shah-Deniz field. Of this volume 18.3 million cub.m. of gas was delivered to Turkey and 2.5 million cub.m. to Georgia via the South Caucasian gas pipeline. 5.4 million cub.m. of gas was delivered to the Azerigas system from the Sangachal terminal.

Since 2007 only Turkey and Azerbaijan bought commercial gas from the Shah-Deniz field. Georgia received 5% of the gas volume transported to Turkey as a transit fee. Since last year Georgia decided to buy gas from the Shah-Deniz on the commercial conditions. During 2013 about 600 million cub.m. of gas from the Shah-Deniz was delivered to Georgia. 

According to the Azerbaijan State Statistical Committee, in 2013 4.7 billion cub.m. of gas against 4 billion cub.m. in 2012 was transported via the Southern Caucasian gas pipeline. 

* The partners of the South Caucasian gas pipeline (new distribution of shares after the purchase-sale operation) are: BP (operator) – 28.8%, Statoil – 15.5%, NICO – 10%, Total – 10%, LUKoil – 10%, TPAO – 9% and SOCAR – 16.7%.—0—



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