BAKU/01.09.10/TURAN: The government confirmed its liabilities on the onshore Balakhani-Sabuncu-Ramana and Kurdakhani fields" development projects (PSA).
     SOCAR and UGE-Lancer PTI from Germany signed the PSA on June 3, 2010. The fields are in Absheron. They cover 16.14 km2. The contract will be performed in 25 years, which could be prolonged by 5 at the end. The shares belong to Lancer (75%) and SOCAR (25%). Lancer is the operator.
     Balakhani-Sabunchu-Ramana has been developed since 1871. Overall 9,549 wells have been drilled and 271 million tons of oil has been extracted there. The remaining recoverable resource is presumably 7.3 million tons. The output was 208,200 tons in 2009. Overall 1,124 wells are operated, while 328 are inactive.
     Kurdakhani was explored from 1914 to 1947. Overall 59 wells were drilled and 198,000 tons of oil was extracted there by January 1, 2010. The remaining recoverable resource is presumably 205,000 tons.
     The operator will presumably start its contractual work in October. --14B--

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