Households Lead in Bank Infusions

Credit investments of banks and non-bank credit organizations in Azerbaijan's economy by January 1 of this year were equal to 18 billion 542,600,000 manat (+ 20.2% yoy).

According to the Central Bank of Azerbaijan, the volume of overdue credit investments in this segment amounted to 976.3 million manat (+ 23.1%). In total, state-owned banks granted loans of 6 billion 143,800,000 manat (33.1% of all loans or + 15.9%), while most of the investments are in the private banking sector - 11 billion 873,600,000 manat (64% of all loans or + 22.5%). The remaining 2.9% are non-bank credit organizations.

Loans in national currency are 13 billion 505,600,000 manat (+ 22%) and loans in foreign currency are 5 billion 37 million manat (+ 15.9%).

In the structure of credit investments by banks in the first place are households - 7 billion 731,800,000 manat (44% of the total), the share of trade and services is 2 billion 680,700,000 manat (14.5%), construction and real estate - 2 billion 555,100,000 manat (13.8%), industry and the manufacturing sector - 2 billion 27.8 million manat (10.9%). The rest is minor - the sphere of energy and chemistry, as well as the natural resources sector was allocated 195.8 million manat (1.1%), agriculture and processing - 847.3 million manat (4.6%), transport and communication - 736 million manat (4%) .-- 17D-

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