ICT Services for Financial Monitoring Service

The Financial Monitoring Service (FMS) at the Central Bank of Azerbaijan has announced a tender for the selection of a contractor for the provision of services in the field of information technology.

According to the tender announcement, the contractor must have experience in the creation of technical and software platform of AML-AZ, in support of computers and other equipment used by the service, as well as the delivery of new software. The state duty for participation in the tender is 150 manat.

Proposals from the applicants will be accepted until December 8. The tender procedure will be held on December 9.

The Financial Monitoring Service of Azerbaijan was established on the presidential decree of 16 July 2009 for the approval of the Regulation on its activities, which is a key point in the implementation of the law "On combating the laundering of money obtained by criminal means and the financing of terrorism."

FMS examines the situation in the field and analyzes it, and prepares proposals and recommendations. It defines criteria for identifying transaction subjects for monitoring, determines the statistical form for information about offenses in this area, provides information to the MNS, and organizes a centralized electronic information system. --17D-

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