Learning how to make wine in French style

French winemakers teach winegrowers Azerbaijan secrets of their skill and promoting the product to the world market.

As the correspondent of Turan was told by the Executive Power Geygel (former Khanlar) region, yesterday an agreement on friendship and cooperation was signed with the French town Shaublun. The Azerbaijani side was represented by the head of the Executive Power of the area Arif Seyidov, and the French side – by the mayor of the said settlement Patrick Genre.

According to the chairman of the supreme council of the French province of Jonah Henry Villiers, partnership promises great prospects for their lands rich historical traditions of winemaking and viticulture, and in Goygol have a great interest in this field. "Sure, we establish cooperation also because both cities have extensive travel opportunities," he said.

Within the framework of the visit the foreigners visited old German houses and a Lutheran church in Geygel.  

Macaroni and brandy production in the area on an industrial basis was laid down in the 19th century by German colonists. After regaining independence now the largest specialized Geygel winery is a structure of the company LLC Vinagro and it resumed its activities in 2007. At the winery operates a production line of wine and brandy capacity of 6 thousand bottles per hour, most of which is exported to Russia, Canada, Sweden, China and India. --17D-

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