Massive Financial Irregularities in State Committee for Land and Cartography

The audit revealed numerous cases of embezzlement and other irregularities in the abolished State Committee for Land and Cartography.

According to the report of the Accounting Chamber of Azerbaijan dated February 5, following a meeting of the Board, all materials were sent to law enforcement agencies, as well as to the Milli Majlis.

According to the site, the chief guardian of the public budget also intends to conduct an audit of the Executive Power of Beylagan and housing and communal services enterprises, departments and organizations in the balance sheet of the Executive Power of Tovuz for the use of funds allocated from the state budget as part of the state capital investments and reserves.

The Accounting Chamber of Azerbaijan, accountable to the country's parliament, has been effective since December 7, 2001 as the authority controlling the flow of budgetary funds in AR.

Senior officials (members of the Bar, which consists of the chairman, his deputy and seven auditors) are elected every 7 years.

This structure is usually limited to generalities about the board meeting, without giving specific figures and data. According to Article 6.0.3 of the Law of AR "On receipt of information" ("Basic principles of information"), disclosure of budget revenues and expenditures is the responsibility of government agencies, including the Chamber of Accounts.

President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree on the elimination of the State Committee for Land and Cartography. The functions of the liquidated Committee are divided between the State Committee on Property Issues, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources and the State Border Service. This is on the website of the President of Azerbaijan.--17D

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