Names of Applicants for Insurance License

State Insurance Supervision Service of the Ministry of Finance has published a list of persons who were registered to participate in the certification of 22 and 24 August, candidates for executive positions and candidates for the brokerage space in the insurance industry.

As stated in the regulator, the certification is carried out in accordance with Article 83.2.2 of the law "On insurance activity". Like 22, so it will be August 24 to 14 hours and 30 minutes of local time at the premises of the Association of Insurance Companies of Azerbaijan at the address Qurban Khalilov, 8 (1st floor of the complex Wellington Heights behind the monument Narimanov).

Admitted to the exam are 4 representatives of corporate bodies and 35 applicants for the brokerage space in the insurance industry.

Successfully passed certification candidates will be considered correct answers to 70 and more than 100 of the questions asked.

The cost of participation in the certification for individuals is 200 manats, for legal entities - 1,000 manat.

Certification insurers held since the beginning of 2009, in accordance with the requirement of the insurance legislation. - 17D-


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