What is the reason for skewing mandatory insurance?

More than a year after the adoption of the law "On compulsory insurance" can say the gap between the premiums on mandatory liability of vehicle owners to third party (CTP) and other required forms.

So, if the CTP in January raised 3.7 million manat, insurance of property - 616.61 thousand manats, and liability insurance for its owners and even less - 25.12 thousand manats. Obligatory individual insurance for passengers did not interest insurers - 12 leading companies whose funds accumulated in the Office of compulsory insurance is not collected for this type of anything.

In paying client bias also affected - by CTP in January paid 1.68 million manat, insurance of property - 148.69 thousand manats, liability insurance owners and passengers - not paid a penny.

This imbalance is the lack of accountability mechanism. According to the Head of State Insurance Supervision Service Namik Khalilov, if the activity of the traffic police (as during the annual inspection, and during the traffic accident) and insurance agents allows CTP to advance to the forefront of the local market, according to "unclaimed" positions situation is irrelevant.

However, the culture of insurance comes with age - believes an experienced specialist. In his view, no theory teaches the basics of insurance as taught by accident. In accidents car owners immediately find an insurance company, consider the terms of payment, contact with lawyers, clearly see the benefits of concluding the insurance contract. That is, the CTP, as Hull, is the engine of the "progress of insurance." Following them will be followed by other species, and in a few years other species, including the voluntary, corporate party will cease to be a priority, and will be "popular," added Khalilov. - 17D-


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