Citizen of the United States not let out of Baku

This morning a United States citizen, Said Nuri was prevented from leaving Baku.

"When passing the border control I was told that I could not leave the country because of the prohibittion by a decision of the Prosecutor General and the Ministry of Security," Said Nuri, a former activist of the Popular Front told Turan. Several years ago, he received the United States citizenship.

In turn, the press service of the Ministry of National Security told Turan they did not have information on the matter.

However, a source in the Prosecutor General's Office confirmed that the exit of Nuri was banned. The cause of the ban was not disclosed, but according to unofficial sources, this is due to some criminal case. "At the airport I was told that if there is a ban on travel, this means that there is a criminal case in respect of the person," said Nuri.

Note that Said Nuri arrived in Baku with a visa issued by the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Washington. He arrived in Baku to visit his sick father. The visa is valid until 21 September.

Thursday morning Nuri turned to the American Embassy in Baku to help him. The embassy told him that they sent a request to the authorities and are waiting for a response.

Recall that Nuri Said in his time he was deputy chairman of the opposition youth organization Yeni Fikir. In 2005, he was on probation for three years on charges of attempting to overthrow the government. Later he left the country, was granted asylum in the United States, and then citizenship. Currently, he is a civil servant of the American army.

Then for 7 years in prison was convicted the leader of Yeni Fikir, Ruslan Bashirli. He was accused of collaboration with the special services of Armenia to seize power in Azerbaijan. -16 / 03B-

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