Mutual recriminations of heads of parliaments of Russia and Ukraine at the session of the OSCE PA.

The Chairman of the State Duma Sergei Naryshkin proposed the creation of an international contact group on Ukraine on the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly platform and to convene a broad-based international conference to discuss ways to resolve the situation in the country.

      Only an open and honest dialogue will serve civil peace in Ukraine and promote the ideals of the OSCE Helsinki, Naryshkin said, speaking at the June 28 session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in Baku.

        However, he said that all the 10 principles of the Helsinki process should be treated in the same context, not "pulling out" some of them.

 According to him, in addition to the principles of inviolability of borders, there are principles of peaceful resolution of conflicts, and the right of peoples to dispose of their fate.

 He called unconstructive the inclusion of the issue of violation of the Helsinki principles by Russia in the Assembly agenda, which, in his opinion, leads to confrontation and could undermine the emerging peace process.

 "Putting all the troubles on Russia, you can only undermine the peace process in Ukraine," said Naryshkin.

"Without the participation of Russia the crisis in Ukraine cannot be resolved," he added.

 According to him, with the abolition of the Federation Council's decision to send troops to Ukraine, Russia confirmed its willingness to contribute to a peaceful settlement.

 Naryshkin said that the reason of escalating tensions in Ukraine was the unconstitutional decision to dismiss Yanukovych and the subsequent human rights violations.

 In turn, the vice-speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Koshulinsky said:

  "Because of the criminal actions of Russia the human rights situation in Ukraine has become dramatically worse."

 The occupation of the Crimea led to massive violations of the rights of Ukrainian activists, as well as the Crimean Tatars, whose leader Mustapha Jamilev is not allowed to visit his homeland.

 The cultural and religious rights of the Crimean Tatars are massively violated, their freedom of assembly is broken, and several activists of the Crimean Tatars are missing.

 Russia also destabilizes the south-east, supplying weapons, including heavy weapons, to the separatists.

 The Russian media also deployed information warfare against Ukraine.

Koshulinsky urged the international community not to remain indifferent to Russia's aggression against Ukraine.

 "Humanity paid a huge price for not stopping the aggressor timely," said Koshulinsky.

 "Let us not repeat the mistakes of the past. This can be costly for Europe in the future," said Koshulinsky addressing the participants of the OSCE PA. -06D -

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