New claims against a lawyer Qurban Mammadov

Nasimi district prosecutors filed  news charges against a lawyer Gurban Mammadov, a member of the National Council of Democratic Forces.

Previously, he was charged with a traffic accident which resulted in injuries. Now Nasimi district prosecutor office accuses Mammadov under the Article 299.1 of the Criminal Code (bribery of a witness or an expert with a view of giving false testimony or opinion.)

This article provides for a fine from 500 to 1000 manat, or community service from 180 to 240 hours, or correctional labor for up to two years, or imprisonment for up to six months.

Previously, Mammadov was charged under Article 263.1 (violation of traffic rules, which caused less serious or serious bodily injury),  which provides a penalty of imprisonment up to two years. ON June 4 the  Nasimi District Court arrested  Mammadov  for two  months.

The lawyer said the charges  are politically motivated, because Mammadov sharply criticizes the ruling regime. 

" It was impossible to jail him under the Article 263.1. To jail Mammadov,  new charges were put forward against him. They want to isolate from the social and political life," said the lawyer.

On June 5  the Attorney General Office issued a statement  due to his arrest, saying that he was arrested under Article 263 .1.

The report said that Mamedov made road accident  and threatened the victim P.Abbasov, so that  he refused testimony against him. Otherwise, Mammadov threatened to kill his family.

The road accident happened a year ago when Mammadov accidentally touched  by his car  an employee  of the parking. Then the victim had a broken leg.  Mammadov undertook all costs of treating. -16D04-.


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