PFPA Activist Tells Court about Political Motives of His Case

The Lankaran Court of Grave Crimes began consideration on the merits of the criminal case against the activist of the Sabirabad regional unit of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA) Murad Adilov accused of drug trafficking.

As Adilov's lawyer Yalcin Imanov told Turan, during the meeting on February 5 the indictment was announced.

Further, Adilov made a testimony. He said he did not consider himself guilty. Adilov said that he was being persecuted because of his opposition activities and also because of the journalism and political views of his brother Natig Adilov.

The defense launched a number of applications. The court granted only one - to call additional three defense witnesses.

At the same time, the court again rejected the motion to change the measure of restraint by house arrest.

The court also rejected the petition to call the expert, who held the forensic biological examination, as a witness. The defense believed it necessary to interrogate the expert, who on the day of detention "promptly" gave an opinion on the alleged drug seized from Adilov.

During the meeting, one of the witnesses for the prosecution, a member of the Main Detective Department for Drugs of the  Ministry of Internal Affairs Elman Tarlanov was also interrogated.

The defense believes that, being a detective, Tarlanov exceeded his authority to authorize the search of Adilov's house and his personal search, while such rights only belong to the investigator.

The next hearing is scheduled for February 24.

Murad Adilov was arrested in the Sabirabad region on August 11, 2014. He is the brother of an employee of the newspaper Azadlig and press secretary of the leader of the Popular Front Party Natig Adilov. Because of persecution and pressure N. Adilov was forced to leave Azerbaijan after the arrest of his brother. -06D--

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