Statement of election headquarters Jamil Hasanly



of the  election headquarter of the candidate of the National Council of Democratic Forces of Azerbaijan, Jamil Hasanly, on primary statements of the mission of observers of the ODIHR, OSCE and PACE, and EP

The election headquarters of the candidate of the National Council of Democratic Forces of Azerbaijan Jamil Hasanly welcomes the observation mission's Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, and the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in connection  with the results of the presidential elections in Azerbaijan on October 9.
Recognition by the mission serious violations and the failure of Azerbaijan's commitments to the OSCE - the restriction of fundamental freedoms, intimidation of candidates and voters, fully reflects the atmosphere that a regime of Ilham Aliyev created over the last 10 years.
We agree that at the presidential elections on October 9 serious obstacles were for the freedom of association, expression and assembly. There was not a fair election atmosphere. on election day, there were interferences by authorities in the elections.
We also do not agree with the conclusion of the OSCE mission  about  72%   participation of  voters, we believe the figure was exaggerated as a result of creating a special system of government manipulation of numbers of voters "carousel" and voting on  "absentee sheets."
The National Council of the democratic forces can in no way agree with the conclusions of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the European Parliament, and believes that they do not reflect the real atmosphere of the election process.
We do not agree with the assessment  by the mission  that the elections were "transparent , free and fair," and we  consider such statements offensive to the feelings and dignity of the voters who  expected from  the international democratic community support and respect for the expression of the will of the Azerbaijani people .
Unfortunately, the notoriety of the PACE, called "caviar diplomacy" is still relevant and needs serious attention from the forces defending the values of democracy around the world. Such actions are serious threats not only for the establishment of democracy in authoritarian countries, but countries protecting democratic values all over the world.  When  in 2001 Azerbaijan joined the Council of Europe,  many citizens of our countries hoped that Azerbaijan will  have the values of a democratic Europe , but , unfortunately, the Council of Europe is increasingly becomes decomposed under the influence of  the faulty values  of authoritarian regime in Azerbaijan.
Baku, 10.10.2013 

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