Expert: Ali Hasanov's Ideology Does Not Work

Baku / 07.05.18 / Turan: Russia took a wait-and-see attitude towards the events in Armenia. Until some time, Moscow wanted to retain the Republican Party and the "Karabakh clan" in power. However, when it became clear that the protests could not be stopped and the opposition could undertake a sharp confrontation, Moscow chose the option tested in its time in Azerbaijan - it gave the opposition a chance.

Given the crises in Ukraine and Syria, the sanctions of the West and domestic problems, an intervention in the events in Armenia would be an additional headache for Moscow. Such an opinion in an interview with the Azerbaijani service of the Voice of America was expressed by the ​​political scientist Zardusht Alizadeh.

According to him, Armenia has driven itself into a cage consisting of such ideas as "Karabakh", "Great Armenia", "genocide", "national exclusivity", and "ancient culture".

The ruling elite of Armenia and the Armenian people are in this cage and do not have an opportunity to make any democratic choice. Attempts to get out of it will be stopped by the forces of the society itself.

"Therefore, Russia is sure that Armenia has nowhere to go, and there is nowhere to go. Let it be Nikol instead of Serzhik. Sooner or later he will still come to Moscow," Alizadeh said.

As for Azerbaijan's behavior in the current situation, Baku can act on two options:

"First, if the Azerbaijani authorities want to preserve Russia's position, they should conduct a policy coordinated with Moscow. If Russia tells them to beat, they must beat, if it says stand, then they must stand. If Azerbaijan wants to regain sovereignty over Nagorno-Karabakh, (naturally, in this form, as before, it will not succeed, and compromises will be necessary), then Baku must use the potential of peace. To do this, it is necessary to stop propaganda of hatred towards Armenians in Azerbaijan, to open opportunities for reconciliation and compromise," Alizadeh said.

"Contacts between civil societies of Armenia and Azerbaijan should be allowed. They should be invited here, and our people should go there. You can invite Karabakh Armenians and launch the reconciliation potential.

Much has been said about the Aland, Tyrolean and North Ireland models of coexistence. The authorities of Azerbaijan spoke about the model of Tatarstan. Of the elements of these formations, it is necessary to synthesize a model for Nagorno-Karabakh. To this end, the government should create a strong working group of representatives of civil society, experts, historians, environmentalists, etc. The main thing is that the government of Azerbaijan should put an end to the "crusade" against the civil society of Azerbaijan," Alizadeh said.

In his view, the "crusades" ultimately turn into revolutions and bloody clashes.

"No matter how much they demand the people should shut their mouths and act in the spirit of Ali Hasanov's statements (the presidential aide on public and political issues - Ed.). In real life the situation is different.

So, international indicators have been recently announced. In Azerbaijan, the average salary is less than in Armenia and Georgia. This is a shame and sooner or later it will lead to a deep crisis.

In such a situation it is necessary to move from a dead, stagnant policy, to a dynamic, flexible policy that is adequate to the requirements of the situation," Alizadeh noted. -03B06--

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