Introduces the American National Plan and announces an Open Government Declaration rooted in several core principles. September 20, 2011

Introduces the American National Plan and announces an Open Government Declaration rooted in several core principles. September 20, 2011


-Gubad bey, you"ve recently attended the 6th OGP Global Summit in Ottawa. What was the subject of debates at the Forum? What was the situation around Azerbaijan"s participation in the organization?

Gubad İbadoglu-The 6thOGP Global Summit was held on May 29-31 in Canada attended by about 2000 delegates from 79 countries. Addressing the Summit was Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who unveiled Canadian government"s attitude toward Open Government Partnership. The Forum discussed a wide range of present-day issues, including the role of information in the current management, electronic control, participation of public and youth in the process.

Also, Forum participants discussed the platform of Open Government Partnership to fight the corruption. We frequently attended Azerbaijan-related panels. However, a question of Azerbaijan was an object of special consideration.

It has to be kept in mind that Azerbaijan is ranked among countries-Partnership losers. When adjusted for the fact that Azerbaijan was insufficiently active in the matter of country"s reinstatement in the organization, it still remains to be outside of OGP. This notwithstanding, the government of Azerbaijan - as was the case with the government of Azerbaijan during the 5thOGP Global Summit in Tbilisi, July 17-19, 2018 - was not represented at the next Forum, the fact that disappointed this initiative"s management. In private talks they regretfully noted that Azerbaijan had repeatedly declined from sending their official representatives the OGP Forums. It should be remembered that the current Summit was attended by four represenrtatives of Azerbaijan.

-The Steering Committee of the Open Government Partnership singled out 5 conditions at a Washington meeting of December 5, 2018 that Azerbaijan is meant to honor its commitments within 2 years to reserve OGP membership. The chief matter is as follows: to draw up a Road Map in keeping with minimum standards of OGP participation and cooperation by March 1, 2019. Note that the Azerbaijani party managed to comply with this condition; to appoint a representative for Open Government Partnership management at the ministerial level or higher by June 1; with attraction of civil society Azerbaijan should get down to developing a plan of actions with the involvement of structures showing interest in the Open Government Partnership, including proposals directed to lifting restrictions as regards the civil society. To what extent has the government of Azerbaijan been successful in advancing towards these conditions by mid-June?

- True, these recommendations were submitted and conditions put forward before Azerbaijan. The first of them is a drawing-up of Road Map, and the government coped with the task. It is still essential to appoint a coordinator to the Partnership at the level of minister and draw up a new plan of actions for the year to come; conduct of consultations on the issue; attraction of civil society to the plan of actions implementation and resolution of civil society issues.

It is worth reminding that the authorities of Azerbaijan have appointed their representative to OGP - Vusal Huseynov, a head of the State Migration Service of Azerbaijan. The Forum discussions made it clear that thev Steering Committee of the Open Government Partnership was sure to approve a candidacy of V. Huseynov, and the question is settled.

As for the third condition - drawing-up of a new plan of actions with a civil society involved, the work was meant to start the last year, since the previous plan of actions covered years 2016-2018. It should be appreciated that the National Plan of Actions within the framework of Open Government Partnership for 2019 in Azerbaijan fails to be implemented. It was expected that by July 1 the said Plan for 2019 or after 2020 will be discussed together with the involvement of civil society and participation of groups concerned, consultations will start. However, we have no information about it. Perhaps, the government is engaged in consultations with pro-governmental NGOs. Unfortunately, the public is not informed of any. No Open Government Partnership news are available at web-sites and other sources.

As a matter of fact, the question is not about closed debates at the government but in broader involvement civil society and parties concerned in nationwide discussions. That means that account has to be taken of participation of independent civil society and related proposals discussed. In turn, the government should take these proposals into consideration and properly study. According to information I and my independent colleagues, representaives of civil society obtained, no consultations of this sort have so far been held. That"s why I do not believe that the plan of actions for 2019 will be vadopted. At best, if any efforts will be made in the second half of the year, the National Plan of Actions for 2020 and more may be adopted.

-What do you think, are the authorities of the country making serious attempts to remain the organization? In other words, are they seeking to comply with Open Government Partnership requirements?

-As a civil society, we are dissatisfied with inactivity of the Azerbaijani government in the matter, its indifference and unwillingness to cooperate with civil society. From this it follows that, as distinct from other countries, the Azerbaijani authorities are not interested in OGP cooperation even despite Steering Committee"s new proposals aimed at involving Azerbaijan in the process.. As a whole, it is obvious that our government is seeking to cooperate with OGP just nominally, honoris causa and image. It is not surprising that the government is not going to assume any commitments.

No serious attempts have so far been made. Requirements of the organization are fully complied with. Besides, newly appointed representative Vusal Huseynov is too busy, especially in migration matters. His activity and initiatives deserve attention. He is unlikely to display particular ardor and reanimate the process under current circumstances. At best, he will continue his work at the previous level and, perhaps, help Azerbaijan with preserving its previous position in OGP. To my thinking, it"d expedient to leave the organization instead of making no headway. For many years Azerbaijan displays no activity among Open Government Partnership member-states. The current situation leaves negative traces on Azerbaijan"s bad enough reputation.

- Rumors are afloat about some reforms and improvement of civil society status. However, nothing changes in reality. What"s your view on "forecasts" of this sort?

- To improve the situation around civil society, it is essential, first of all, to have a legal base, radically change contolling bodies and the judicial power.

I see no positive changes in the mater as compared with the previous period. Suffice it to say that the legal basis is not improved even despite proposals; no debates are held to discuss urgent issues; the government shows no interest in changing the situation for the better. The authorities are doing nothing to create new NGOs and regulate activities of existing organizations. As before, political decisions and politically motivated approaches are prevalent in the matter.

As for judicial-legal issues, no serious steps are made on this track except for a single decree. However, it is focused on issues relatyed to effectiveness of courts and their operability to resolve business-related problems, not questions of civil society. Note that no real progress has so far been achieved even in this field. I do not believe that the situation around the civil society will change for the better. In my view, not much time is required to improve the situation on this track. A political will is required to solve the issues shortly. There are some proposals and initiatives; however, none of them has so far been considered by the authorities.

- Will Azerbaijan be able to reinstate its status in OGP?

- An impression is that Azerbaijan is not interested in being a member of OGP, just international organizations are. At least, official Baku rtefuses to be interested OGP. This notwithstanding, the OGP Steering Committee is eager that Azerbaijan preserves its membership in the organization, and it gives a regular chance to our country to succeed; regretfully, it is not appreciated properly.

I think, this is the last chance to remain valid for two years: the time is sufficient for the government of Azerbaijan to think it over and take a final decision. In other words, no breakthrough is expected to take place.

All things considered, I don"t think that Azerbaijan will remain in OGP following the expiration of the date to comply with Open Government Partnership demands till 2021. The present authorities failed to appreciate the last chance properly, so most probably the country will lose its status of OGP member-country.

At any rate, OGP in Azerbaijan has practically lost its significance. True, certain projects are still being realized under this title but no serious results and progress are likely to be attained. The reason is that any analysis, monitoring and explorations held by pro-governmental NGOs under the state sponsorship cannot be regarded as independent and alternative. On the other had, measures of propaganda and education sort are largely formal and contemptible.

That said, Azerbaijan is still in need of Open Government Partnership. In other words, OGP provides Azerbaijan with a chance to come out to the international arena. Besides, some OGP-related organizations are involved in implementing projects in Azerbaijan. All these give grounds to believe that Azerbaijan remains to be an object of interest for countries worldwide except for those OGP-involved projects. In other words, failing to carry out its projects in countries like Azerbaijan the OGP crumbles away.

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