The Withdrawal of Armenian Armed Forces from Nagorno-Karabakh will contribute to the Resolution of the Conflict


    Joint statement made recently by Presidents of the USA, Russia and France on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is insufficient for its resolution, said the deputy politician Rasim Musabekov in his interview with Objective TV ( politician.

   According to him, the document reminds us of the half-forgotten Madrid principles, and stresses the urgency of the problem. This is a message to the leadership of Azerbaijan and Armenia, and the international community, that they should not delay untying the protracted conflict node.

   For the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group it is important to end the escalation. For Azerbaijan, the priority is the withdrawal of Armenian forces from the illegally occupied territories of Azerbaijan, said Musabekov.

   It is clear that this ethnic conflict has lasted nearly a quarter of a century, and without interference from outsidet, it will not be solved. 

   The presence of the Armenian armed formations in the Karabakh region is the catalyst of counter reaction. "If the co-chairs speak about the peace, then the basis of the acceptable documents should be withdrawal of occupants from these territories, and deployment of peacekeeping forces, with subsequent return of the Azerbaijani community in the traditional places of residence. Those who think that the Armenian dictatorship will remain there forever are wrong," said the analyst.

   The growing Western interests in the Caucasus region can contribute to solving the conflict. I remember that more than 10 years ago, the initiative of Secretary of State Colin Powell had almost led to an agreement in Key West. Probably now, Hillary Clinton wants to hold a similar meeting, but with a more specific result. I hope her trip to the South Caucasus, is partially connected with the preparations for this summit.

  Vladimir Putin also wants to resolve the conflict in his interpretation, but under the condition that both sides will ask him about it. However, neither Azerbaijan, nor, Armenia, wants to be in the role of supplicant, in order not to put themselves at a disadvantaged political condition. -17D—

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