Силы Специального оперативного командования в Боргхольцхаузене . Фото: Eickhoff

Силы Специального оперативного командования в Боргхольцхаузене . Фото: Eickhoff

The police and the migration service officers came to them at night to escort them to the airport. However, the 53-year-old head of the family, whose name is not yet reported, suddenly snatched a gun from the policeman and said he had taken the German officers hostage. His wife ran to the kitchen and stabbed herself several times. It was necessary to call a brigade of secret forces on the scene of the incident. Immediately after this, the family members surrendered to the authorities. Now they are provided with psychological assistance, at the same time the issue of initiating a criminal case against the offender is being decided.

As it turned out, back in the early 2000s, family members appealed to the German authorities for political asylum, but they were denied this, and they left the country. A few years later they again repeated this attempt, and again they were refused in a judicial order. Resisting the deportation, the head of the family went on a desperate step ...

According to German sources, in the first half of last year, 138 Azerbaijani citizens who were denied asylum were deported to Azerbaijan. Of these, 98 people were returned home by plane, 40 - by land. Because of the resistance at the airport, the deportation of several people failed. Another failed to be expelled from the country because of health problems. In 2016, 93 Azerbaijani citizens who received a negative answer for granting asylum were expelled from the country. In 2015, as a whole, 26 Azerbaijani citizens were expelled from Germany.

According to the Azer Allahveranov, expert for migration issues, said in an interview with Turan, the problem of illegal migration has significantly increased after the recent influx of migrants from the Middle East. New concepts for the management of migration processes are being developed, initiatives are being taken to tighten legislation in this area, and the volumes of illegal migration are not decreasing. Today, more than 55 million immigrants live in Europe, more than 10% of which are not legally entitled to do so.

At the same time, a certain orientation of migration flows from the CIS countries is traced. Today, Germany, Norway, Sweden and Belgium are in the top five of the countries where they prefer to move mainly from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. The high standard of living and social welfare, the liberal regime for obtaining refugee status and residence permits, as well as other factors of a legal, socio-psychological and economic nature affect the fact that people choose these countries for residence.

"Comfortable European life is especially attractive for migrants from Azerbaijan, who want to get a coveted permit for living, for one reason, or another. But not everyone can achieve what he wants. Not having received the corresponding permission, people, despite all adversities, dare to remain there contrary to laws. According to preliminary data, currently about 50,000 Azerbaijani migrants live in the EU countries. Unfortunately, almost half of these people live there illegally, again and again applying for refugee status," the expert points out.

The analysis of the facts shows that people have entered the EU territory quite legally - according to the scholarship program, guest visa, work visa and even fictitious marriage. But after the expiration of the visa period, they are referred to the relevant structures for the purpose of obtaining refugee status and residence permit. Practice shows, not all applicants get the desired status. According to the generally accepted procedure, after receiving a refusal to receive asylum, the migrant must leave the European Union within the established time limits. Otherwise, a person becomes an illegal migrant who faces deportation.

It is interesting that the geography of migration routes is more extensive. It includes even Malta, which until now has not been particularly popular with Azerbaijani migrants. Illegals from Azerbaijan were discovered on the island some time ago.

According to Allahveranov, the migration laws of European countries are changing in the direction of tightening. Everything that is related to migration changes, but the myths about the best share and good life of the emigrant remain unchanged. Today, these myths contribute and direct migration flows. The worse the socio-economic situation in the country, the stronger the position of these myths and the stronger is the desire of people to leave their homeland.

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