Media Review October 11, 2019

The results of state programs for the development of regions, the need for personnel changes, the discussion of the issue of monopoly are the topics of today's media.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes about state programs for the development of regions, these programs have been working since 2004. The author believes that their implementation has created opportunities for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. Programs pursue the goal of economic and social development. Over the past 15 years, 15 thousand km of roads have been built, most of which are in districts and villages. In just 6 months of this year, about 400 km of roads have been stretched. In the regions, 9 industrial parks and quarters have been created.

The website Yeni writes about the need for new personnel, citing the resignation of Novruz Mammadov, who was replaced by Ali Asadov as Prime Minister. Deputy Vahid Ahmedov believes that the Cabinet of Ministers should be turned into an operational structure to resolve issues, and reforms are needed for this. As for the personnel themselves, when they are appointed, the deputy believes, it is necessary to take into account the non-involvement in corruption and bribery. After appointment, transparency must be ensured in their activities.

The website cites the opinion of deputy Ali Masimli regarding personnel changes, which also considers them necessary. New appointments should differ from the previous ones by a qualitatively high level and non-involvement in corruption.

The deputy also opposes monopolies that contribute to price increases. Where there is a monopoly, it is not worth talking about the effectiveness of the economy, fair prices, improving the well-being of people.

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