Press Review 05/03/2017

The goals of the reforms, the situation in the banking system, the lack of solutions to social problems, murders and domestic violence are topics of today's press.

The Azerbaijan published an article entitled Heydar Aliyev's Ideas and the Concept of Deep Reforms. The author claims that the concept of economic reform in the country was laid by Heydar Aliyev. The article talks about the historical mission of the national leader.

The Echo published an article titled Several More Banks to Be Closed in Azerbaijan, Process Inevitable. The problem is discussed by the expert Akram Hasanov. According to him, today there are two big tasks for the Azerbaijani banking system - to keep the exchange rate of the national currency and to stop inflation. According to the latest data, the national currency in circulation, in dollar terms, is slightly more than $ 4 billion. In 2015, this figure was $ 16 billion. As you can see, the national currency decreased fourfold. Another task is stabilization, its implementation rests on the shoulders of the Financial Markets Supervisory Authority (FIMSA).

The Novoye Vremya published an article titled European Standards Only Dream for Us. A weak civil society means an unsuccessful state. This postulate is beyond doubt. But does the civil society affect various processes taking place in Azerbaijan? This question is asked by the author of the article. Far from European standards are also tariffs in Azerbaijan’s consumer market. In order to approach these standards, the government should first of all review the pricing policy and, of course, equate local salaries with European ones.

The Bizim Yol writes about the growth of murders due to family honor, which significantly affects the growth of domestic violence. Murder on the basis of honor is seen as heroism in the society.

The article also talks about methods of upbringing in the family, especially with regard to girls. -0--

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