Press Review � June 28, 2018

The military parade of June 26, the situation in the banking system, and the education system abroad are the leading topics of today's press.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes about the military power of the country, which the whole world saw during the military parade on June 26.

The article contains excerpts from the speech of the head of state at the parade, as well as comments of the parliament deputies, who state that the parade demonstrated the military might of the Azerbaijani army.

The Novoye Vremya newspaper writes that the international rating agency Moody's has assigned five Azerbaijani banks a counterparty risk rating: The Bank of Baku, Bank Respublika, Khalg Bank, Capital Bank and the International Bank.

The fact of some stability of the manat is certainly rejoicing, but in the long term artificial support of the manat can seriously harm both the banks and the economy. Rating agencies in their forecasts and estimates proceed from precisely this.

The website writes that the number of Azerbaijani students studying abroad due to the state support has decreased.

According to the statistical data, in the 2013-2014 school year, 3,035 Azerbaijani students studied due to the state support abroad. In the 2017-2018 school year, this figure dropped to 1,800 people.

The majority study in Turkey, where last year the number of students fell by half. The same trend is observed among Azerbaijani students studying in Russia, Great Britain, Germany and Canada. -0----

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