Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku/26.09.22/Turan: The State Security Service brought to justice the accused of calling for physical violence against the judges who sentenced the defendants in the "Ganja case".

During the operational measures, a case was initiated under Article 214-2 (Open calls for terrorism) of the Criminal Code and a Facebook profile was identified, from which calls were made to kill judges.

The user of the page is a citizen of a foreign state Muhandis Alyosha oglu Bayramov, who was detained.

The investigation of the criminal case has been completed and sent to the court for consideration.

*On July 3, 2018, an attempt was made on the then head of the executive power of the city of Ganja, Elmar Veliyev. A resident of Ganja, Yunis Safarov, wounded him and his bodyguard.

On July 10, residents of the city held a protest rally in front of the Ganja administration building. On the same day, riots took place in the city, during which two policemen were killed. This was followed by mass arrests of believers.

A criminal case has been initiated against 70 people due to these events. The accused got a penal from 6 to 18 years in prison. About 10 people were conditionally released, some of the terms were reduced.

Yunis Safarov was sentenced to life imprisonment. -30B06-

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