Açıq mənbələrdən foto

Açıq mənbələrdən foto

Baku / 04.06.18 / Turan: Today, the Supreme Court, under the chairmanship of Mehpara Ahmedova, examined the cassation complaint on the blocking of the websites of Azadlig Radio - azadliq.org, the Azadlig newspaper - azadliq.info, as well as Turan TV and the program Azerbaijan Saati broadcasting from abroad.

The court rejected the appeal and upheld the decision of the Baku Court of Appeal.

It should be recalled that in March 2017 access was blocked in Azerbaijan for a number of opposition and independent resources, including the above.

The Communications Ministry initially claimed that it was not involved. However, during the trial it became clear that the Ministry of Communications took this step on the proposal of the Prosecutor General's Office.

On May 12, 2017, the Sabail District Court, by its decision, approved the blocking of websites azadliq.org, azadliq.info, Meydan.TV, Turan.TV and www.azerbaycansaati.tv in December 2017. The Baku Appeals Court upheld this decision.

In the course of today's trial, the representative of Radio Azadlig, Adyl Ismayilov, drew attention to the fact that 35 million people worldwide read the website of this radio corporation. Azadlig Radio is funded by the US Congress and does not violate the ethical standards of journalism. Radio materials are prepared in accordance with the norms of international law and respect for national legislation.

He called the court's decision illegal and called for the abolition of lower court decisions.

The lawyer pointed to the groundlessness of the Ministry of Transport filing a lawsuit against all the websites together. However, the Supreme Court rejected the complaint.

In December 2014 the Azerbaijani authorities closed the Baku bureau of Radio Azadlig. -03B06-

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