The court does not change the measure of restraint for Emil Mamedov (UPDATED)

On June 11 Salyan District Courtdid not change the measure of restraint – arrest for  a local human rights activist Emil Mammadov, who runs the NGO "Promotion of Democracy." The Court dismissed the application for replacement of arrest to house arrest, told public alliance of political prisoners.

Mamedov was arrested on  May 13 on charges of extortion.

* NGO "Promoting Democracy" is one of the most active civil society institutions in the southern region. Its head Mammadov repeatedly  publicize cases of corruption in the structures of the district authorities, as well as defended the civil rights of local residents.

This NGO was involved in several projects of the network of  civilian control in the mining industry. This caused severe irritation to the local authorities, who launched a campaign against activists accusing him of  anti-state activity.-16D-

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2014 June 11 (Wednesday) 12:24:44

Salyan District Court on June 12 at 15:00 will take consideration of a motion to change the arrest of the head of the regional NGO Promotion of Democracy Emil Mammadov for house arrest. The lawyer Fariz Namazly told Turan.

Salyan District Court on May 14 arrested him for three months on charges of extortion - Article 182.2.2 of the Criminal Code.

The activist rejects this accusation, claiming that he is being persecuted by the order of the district leadership for exposing corruption in Salyan.

* NGOs Promoting Democracy is one of the most active civil society institutions in the southern region. His head Mammadov repeatedly publicized cases of corruption in the structures of the district authorities, as well as defended the civil rights of local residents.

This NGO was involved in several projects of web civilian control in the mining industry. All this caused severe irritation to the local authorities, who started a campaign against the activist, accusing him of anti-state activities.  -03B06-

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