Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku/10.08.20/Turan: a Group of participants of the Azerbaijani National liberation movement established The National Democratic Movement (Salvation) Platform in the late 80's of the XX century.
A statement issued on behalf of the movement reads:

We, the participants of the National Freedom Movement, analyzed the current situation in Azerbaijan on socio-political, socio-economic, national security, military-political, including fundamental human rights, as well as the international situation and came to the conclusion that our salvation from all problems and our development depend on the people coming together and expressing their will.

The military coup of June 4, 1993, which resulted in a coup d'etat, changed the form and content of our national statehood. Although various political and public organizations in the country are working to restore national power, it has not yet been possible to do so.

We believe that the main external and internal reasons are:

a) Armenia's policy of aggression with the support and incitement of its patron Russian Empire, the inability of the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran to digest Azerbaijan's independence;

b) The anti-people nature of the regime that came to power in the uprising, the incompetent domestic and foreign policy at the level of treason;

c) Most importantly the fact that the majority of our people do not fully master the ideology of national statehood, cannot unite to protect the principles of national statehood, and so on.

We believe that in order to make the first two reasons as harmless as possible, we must focus on the third factor, and the ideology of national statehood must be conveyed more to our people - our citizens. For this reason, after long discussions, debates, and consultations with friends of the experienced generation and young people who have mastered the spirit of national statehood, we unanimously decided to launch a completely independent "National Democratic Movement (Salvation)".

Our main goal is to restore our national statehood in Azerbaijan, to form a national government through democratic elections, to become a powerful state in the region and the world, to increase the welfare of our people, to liberate our occupied lands, to support the ongoing process in the country to achieve the integrity of the nation-state, the full membership in the free European family.

Members of any political, socio-political, public organizations that consider national statehood, the rule of law, and democratic principles as the cornerstone of their main ideological activity and are ready for it, as well as individuals, regardless of national, racial, sexual, or religious affiliation, can join the National Democratic Movement (SALVATION) Platform.

We do not directly claim political power, we do not inspect the activities of opposition political and public organizations, we do not evaluate the activities of political figures, political and public activists - we only claim to help establish the people's government, the rule of law. At the same time, we declare that we will oppose all activities against the state and our statehood.

We emphasize once again that the National Democratic Movement (SALVATION) Platform is a platform for public discussion, campaign, and public awareness, and is open to anyone who understands and adopts the basics of national-democratic-legal statehood, regardless of age or political affiliation. There are no restrictions on equal activity on the platform.

Our initial goals:

- To organize the people against foreign aggression;

- To ensure national unity against internal extensions of foreign aggression;

- To achieve the creation of a democratic environment in the country;

- To ensure the formation of government in a democratic way.

Let it be auspicious for our people and state!

Members of the NDM (S) Initiative Group:

1) Aydin Bayram - a participant of the National Freedom Movement, public figure.

2) Baybala Abil - a participant of the National Freedom Movement, former head of the Baku City Garadagh District Executive Power, public figure, a former member of the Supreme Assembly of the Popular Front of Azerbaijan (PFA).

3) Elkhan Nuriyev - a participant of the National Freedom Movement, former head of the Gubadli District Executive Power, Karabakh war veteran, public figure.

4) Eynulla Gara - a participant of the National Freedom Movement, former first deputy head of the Ujar District Executive Power, Karabakh war veteran, public figure, a former member of the Supreme Assembly of the PFA.

5) Ali Guliyev - a participant of the National Freedom Movement, former head of the Baku City Nasimi District Executive Power, public figure, a former member of the Supreme Assembly of the PFA.

6) Alovsat Sadigli - a participant of the National Freedom Movement, public figure, human rights activist, a former employee of the Organization Department of the PFA.

7) Fahmin Haciyev - a participant of the National Freedom Movement, commander of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 1992-93, political prisoner in 1994-2004, public and political figure, a former member of the Supreme Assembly of the PFA.

8) Ilham Hasan - a participant of the National Freedom Movement, former head of the Kalbajar District Executive Power, Karabakh war veteran, public figure, a former member of the Supreme Assembly of the PFA.

9) Panah Mammadzadeh - a participant of the National Freedom Movement, former head of the Goygol District Executive Power, public figure, former deputy head of the Executive Board of the Ganja city branch of the PFA.--0--


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