UNDP and EU finance a new project to promote gender equality in Azerbaijan

A ceremony to mark the start of the project "Strengthening the role of civil society in promoting gender equality and women's rights", implemented jointly by UNDP, the State Committee for Family, Women and Children and the Women's Society for Regional Development . The ceremony was attended by  Hijran Huseynova, the head of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children, head of the EU Delegation to Azerbaijan Malena Mard, UN Resident Coordinator in Baku Ghulam Isagzai, representatives of civil society and media. The project worth 444,000 Euros  is financed by the EU and UNDP. According to Huseynova, the project aims to ensure the participation of women in sustainable development and the creation of mechanisms for their effective operation.  "Implementation by the women their powers is an important priority of the state policy. Measures undertaken to ensure gender equality already bearing fruit," said Huseynov. In turn, Mard said the project is aimed at creating equal economic conditions and opportunities. "When we talk about equal opportunities we mean employment too. The proportion of women among entrepreneurs is 18 percent. It is necessary to increase this figure," said Mard. Isagzai in turn, said that since 2011 the UNDP in cooperation with the State Committee for Family, Women and Children created in Azerbaijani regions, resource centers to support women. The current project will be carried out in Bilasuvar, Neftchala, Sabirabad, he said.- 0-

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