Youth Forum opens in Baku

First  Global Forum on Youth Policy, organized by the UN, the Council of Europe, UNESCO, with the support of the Ministry of Youth and Sport of Azerbaijanopened today in Baku; 700 delegates from 160 countries will attend the forum.

According to the official report, the forum will discuss the problems of young people in the world and in Azerbaijan,  and  the way for their solutions. Adoption of  a final document is expected,  the reporters  were told by  Ali hasanov,  the  head of the department in the presidential administration.

"Today's event is the first global forum for the world's youth. This forum is very important. It involves young people from around the world, officials,forming a  youth policy, academic circles and NGOs, " said Hasanov.

One of the main factors affecting the holding of this forum, is the fact that in Azerbaijan, a country with a relatively small area and population, conducted a successful policy. This Forum will support the integration of Azerbaijani youth in the youth ranks of the world," said Hasanov. -02D-

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