Something about the "Concept of Culture of Azerbaijan"

On February 14, President Ilham Aliyev approved the "concept of culture of Azerbaijan." The official report states that the concept has been adopted in order to ensure the development of the Azerbaijani culture, its protection against internal and external threats, successful integration into the global culture of human rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the field of culture.

The decree does not specify what exactly is the concept.

It became possible to find a mean information on Internet about the concept of culture the Azerbaijan Republic. In the State Development Concept "Azerbaijan 2020" : A look into the future"  to this topic is related  the 10th chapter "Preservation of Cultural Heritage and the effective management of them," which deals with the protection of tangible and intangible cultural heritage,  on which other states or nations  encroach on.

This same concept provides the necessary steps to promote the rich customs and traditions of the Azerbaijani people, the preservation of national holidays and ceremonies, symbols and reconstruction of historical mysteries promotion of music and dances , folklore protection, restoration of public games and performances, the development of rich traditions of fine arts, decorative and miniature art, studying stored in prestigious museums of the world samples of Azerbaijani art and confirm their membership to Azerbaijan, promoting and popularizing our art in UNESCO, ISESCO, Turks and other international organizations.

Back in 2006, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism  has prepared a 10-year vision for the development of national culture of Azerbaijan. In December 2006, the Minister of Culture and Tourism, Abulfaz Garayev, reported that the concept embraces all spheres of culture, and  is aimed at  reforming this sector, improve its logistics . But for unknown reasons, the concept was not adopted.

On the website "Observatory of Cultural Policies of  GUAM" was found a document entitled "The Concept of Culture of Azerbaijan ." Most likely, this is a concept mentioned by Abulfaz Garayev,  which was developed by the ministry with the support of UNESCO. The document was dated December 2007, a time when the cultural resource of  GUAM  was presented. 

"The concept of culture of Azerbaijan Republic" includes the following provisions:

1. Introduction

2. Main aims and objectives

2.1. Application of modern techniques in the culture management 

2.2 Development of Legal Support

2.3 Diversification of funding sources

2.4 Reorganization of information support

2.5 Development of education and workforce

2.6 Modernization of the material-technical base

2.7 International cooperation

3. Protection of cultural heritage

3.1 The protection, restoration and use of immovable monuments of history and culture

3.2. Modernization of museum work

3.3. Modernization of library and information network

3.4 Support for the intangible cultural heritage

4. Development of professional art

4.1 Theatre

4.2 Music

4.3 Contemporary fine and decorative arts

5. Revival of cultural industries

5.1 Revival of Cinematography

5.3 Revival of publishing

6. Final Provisions

In "Final Provisions" it is  noted that the legal basis of the Concept , prepared on the basis of cultural and political experience of international organizations and leading countries , the Constitution of Azerbaijan Republic, Azerbaijan Republic Law "On Culture" and other relevant national cultural legislation, accepted principles and norms of international law, international obligations of the Republic of Azerbaijan. For detailed concept contact:


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