Completed first tour of State Insurance Supervision Service by region

The May tour completed of the State Insurance Supervision Service under the Ministry of Finance in the regions.

According to the website of the structure (, to educate the public in Ganja was a meeting with citizens, yet not insured under the compulsory insurance of property against fire and other risks. In addition, trainings and courses for local insurance agents. Officers Suleiman Ibragimov and Seymour Agayev in the event distributed to the participants' Collection of the legislation on insurance, "and another specialized magazine" Guide insurance. "

As announced a few days ago, before meetings in the cities of Shirvan and Salyan. Everything except the above-mentioned two, was held from 20 to 25 May 4 more community meetings in Bilasuvar and Jalilabad, as well as in Kurdamir and Hajigabul.

Recall from January to May of insurance property limits of the law "On mandatory types of insurance" collected 3.53 million manat, and despite the fact that the annual contribution rate for each dwelling unit only in Baku is 50 manats, Ganja, Sumgait and Nakhchivan - 40, in other areas - 30 manats. Today, the amount of the housing stock of the country is (as of the end of last year), 162 million square meters. m at about 2 million housing units, including individual buildings and apartments.

On mandatory insurance of liability of owners of real estate at the same rates earned even less - 129.54 thousand manats. - 17D-

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