Does the Import of Perfumes and Cosmetics Drop?

According to official data, imports of perfumes, personal care of the skin, nails, makeup and so on cosmetics in Azerbaijan in 2013 amounted to $ 19 756 000. This is 12.4% less than in 2012 . Comparative analysis of the data on the volume of imports of the product line shows that the illegal trade of perfumery and cosmetic products exceeds their official import volume at least five times.

Georgia’s Department of Statistics reports that in 2013 this not a very rich country of the South Caucasus imported perfumes, toilet water, care products, makeup and so on female cosmetics for a total of $ 42.7 million. That is 36.1% more than for the year 2012. Thus, on the basis of official data, it appears that in Georgia, where the population is two times less than in Azerbaijan, the per capita consumption of perfumes and cosmetics is more than in Azerbaijan. The people of Azerbaijan will not agree with that. They will confirm that our women use more cosmetics and perfumes than Georgians and women of any European country.

The picture of "distorting mirrors" drawn by the Azerbaijan Customs and the importers (mainly the chains of stores Ideal and Sabina) does not change this year. According to customs data, in the first half of this year Azerbaijan imported 156.2 tons of perfumes and toilet water for the total declared amount of $ 5,193,900, as well as 1295.5 tons of various cosmetic products worth $ 4 222 900. For comparison, we will cite again the example of Georgia, where the importation of these products in the first nine months of this year totaled $ 32.3 million.

The chain of stores Ideal consists of 15, and Sabina – of 12 objects.

Thus, referring even to the amount in Georgia, we can calculate that the hidden tax imports of perfumes and cosmetics in Azerbaijan can be estimated at least at $ 80 million. --08B--

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