Flexible Statistics for Rubber and Plastic Products

Within nine months of this year Azerbaijan produced rubber and plastic products totaling 31.5 million manat, which is 35.4% less than in the comparable period of 2013 - the State Statistics Committee. Thus, surprisingly, the volume of exports of only one product of plastic exceeded the production 2.8 times.

The main type of goods from the enterprises in polymer industry are pipes and their connections. Since the beginning of the year were produced 12,684 tons of this production, which is 42% less than in the comparable period last year. Over the past few years, the country has had several enterprises producing polyethylene and plastic pipes, which replace imported products. Most of these companies are focused on the Apsheron peninsula, but there are businesses in the regions (Ganja and other cities).

According to the State Customs Committee, in the first nine months of this year, local businesses have exported plastic products worth $ 114.1 million (about 89 mln. manat). How the local companies “manage” to meet the need of the local market and also increase exports is a question waiting for response from specialists in the shadow economy and corruption. Enterprises conceal the true production figures from the tax authorities and statistics, but "forget" to do it with the customs.

According to the committee, there are 89 enterprises engaged in the production of rubber and plastic products. Of these, 20 belong to the average business.

In 2013, production of rubber and plastic products was 74 mln. manat, which is 3.3% more than in 2012. The share of private sector in manufacturing was 88.6%. The volume of production of these products has increased in relation to 2005 by 47%. Produced were 25,690 tons of plastic pipes and their connections.

It is noteworthy that in the past year, the price index for these types of industrial products in Azerbaijan decreased by 5.9%.

During 2011-2013, investment in this sector of industry amounted to 113.4 million manat, of which 50.3 mln. manat accounts for 2013. The cost of fixed assets valued at 141.2 mln. manat.

Only in 2013 the number of workers employed in enterprises of rubber and plastic products grew by 600 people and reached 4.4 thousand people. The share of wages in the cost structure of production in 2013 amounted to 13.5%, and the material costs - 69%. The average monthly wage sector is 378 manat (+ 30% in 2012). --08B--

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