In 2012 china extracted 210,000,000 tons of oil
In 2013 China extracted 320,000,000 tons of oil equivalent, up 4.6% against 2012, said Pen Zimin, representative of the Chinese Ministry of Land and Natural Resources.
“According to the preliminary estimates, last year China extracted 210,000,000 tons of oil and 120.9 billion cub.m. of natural gas. This is up 1.8% and 1.9%, respectively, against the similar showings in 2012,” Zimin said.
According to his forecasts, in the coming years China will increase oil and gas production by in average 4.6% and increase it up to 700,000,000 tons in oil equivalent by 2030. Increase in production of these energy carriers will become possible owing to increase of their production in the northeastern regions, said representative of the Ministry of Land and Natural Resources.—0--
Azerbaijan’s corporate sector needs to develop an appropriate system for assessing employees, according to Jalal Gasimov, CEO of PASHA Holding. Speaking at the Human Development Forum in Baku, Gasimov emphasized the importance of moving beyond merely evaluating employees based on performance outcomes.
The launch of the Azeri Central East (ACE) platform in Azerbaijan's Caspian Sea shelf marked an important milestone for BP in 2024, said BP CEO Murray O'Kinkloss on February 11, presenting the company's 2024 report.
Cargo transportation along the Middle Corridor (Trans-Caspian International Transport Route, TMTM) reached a record 3.3 million tons in 2024, marking a 20% increase year-on-year, according to the Secretary General of the International Association "Trans-Caspian International Transport Route" Khaydar Abdikerimov.
Azerbaijan’s national carrier AZAL and Israel’s El Al Airlines have announced a new partnership under a codeshare agreement, allowing passengers of both airlines to access joint flights, the carriers said in a statement on Sunday.
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