In Azerbaijan, confectionery corporation Roshen will not be banned

Azerbaijan on the background of sanitary and customs showdown of Russia and Ukraine Ukrainian confectionery corporation Roshen will not be banned.

The shops of Baku confectionery of this brand are sold freely, products come to the warehouse in order, - told Turan's local representative. The reason is that the Kiev branded biscuits, cookies and, of course, different kinds of candy (of 200 products) in demand all over the country, and the volume of sales from one year to grow.

According to the Embassy of Ukraine, even close allies of Russia (Belarus, Kazakhstan, not to mention Tajikistan and Moldova), despite strong recommendations did not find benzpyrene (a toxic substance) in the branded chocolates. In addition, at the meeting of the Minister of Agriculture of Ukraine with the Chief Sanitary Doctor of Russia they set up the problems and sweet products from Roshen continue to conquer the Russian market.

Recall that in Azerbaijan also popular are Russian pastry products - primarily, Rot Front, Russia, Confectionery Concern Babaev, known in Soviet times, but due to low tariffs Ukrainian products are more in demand.

According to the founder of the Center for Economic Research, Doctor of Economic Sciences Gubad Ibadoglu policy of economic restrictions on the principle of political proximity is meaningless. "Azerbaijan in case of solidarity may lose business partners, and tomorrow the country will see the appendix and will cease to perceive as an independent trade and economic player - warns expert.

Roshen Corporation ranked 18th in the world as rated by Candy Industry Top 100, with a total production of 450,000 tons per year, and the landlord has Poroshenko by Forbes magazine the state $ 1.6 billion because of the loss corporation Russian sanctions are about $ 17 million month.

According to the State Statistics Committee, in 2012 from Ukraine to Azerbaijan imported goods worth $ 89 700 539. The share of food - 23%, and confectionery products - not essential, explained in the Embassy in Baku. In total last year in Azerbaijan imported 23 327.9 tons of chocolate and its products, 5 397.6 tons of biscuits, 2 043.7 tons of wafers, the remaining positions - the raw material for candy and other sugary foods.

During this time, local factories produced a total of 46,900 tons of confectionery products, some of which are exported abroad - Turan was told the State Statistical Committee of Azerbaijan. - 17D-


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